Gunārs Pētersons
Dr. biol.Amats
- Preklīniskais institūts - asociētais profesors; vadošais pētnieks
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T 12:00 - 13:00, A206
- C 12:00 - 13:00, A206
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flights / Lara C. Marggraf, Oliver Lindecke, Christian C. Voigt, Gunārs Pētersons, Silke L. Voigt-Heucke
- Bidirectional movements of Nathusius’ pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) during autumn at a major migration corridor / Christian C. Voigt, Julia Kionka, Jens C. Koblitz, Peter C. Stilz, Gunārs Pētersons, Oliver Lindecke
- The distribution of the Northern bat Eptesicus nilssonii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) in Latvia assessed by passive acoustic survey / Renāte Kaupuža, Ilze Brila, Gunārs Pētersons
- In situ novel environment assay reveals acoustic exploration as a repeatable behavioral response in migratory bats / Theresa Schabacker, Oliver Lindecke, Sofa Rizzi, Lara Marggraf, Gunārs Pētersons, Christian C.Voigt, Lysanne Snijders
- Corneal sensitivity is required for orientation in free-flying migratory bats / Oliver Lindecke, Richard A. Holland, Gunārs Pētersons, Christian C. Voigt
- Funnel trap as a method for capture migrating bats in Pape, Latvia / Oskars Keišs, Donats Spalis, Gunārs Pētersons
- Funnel trap as a method for capture migrating bats in Pape, Latvia.
- First record of a Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) overwintering at a latitude above 60°N / Anna S. Blomberg, Ville Vasko, Saku Salonen, Gunārs Pētersons, Thomas M. Lilley
- Transcontinental 2200 km migration of a Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) across Europe / Juan Tomás Alcalde, Montserrat Jiménez, Ilze Brila, Viesturs Vintulis, Christian C. Voigt, Gunārs Pētersons
- The immune response of bats differs between pre-migration and migration seasons / Christian C. Voigt, Marcus Fritze, Oliver Lindecke, David Costantini, Gunārs Pētersons, Gábor Á. Czirják
- Orientation and flight behaviour identify the Soprano pipistrelle as a migratory bat species at the Baltic Sea coast / O. Lindecke, A. Elksne, R. A. Holland, G. Pētersons, C. C. Voigt
- Experienced migratory bats integrate the sun's position at dusk for navigation at night / O. Lindecke, A. Elksne, R. A. Holland, G. Pētersons, C. C. Voigt
- Conservation genetics of the pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) with special focus on the populations in northwestern Germany and in Jutland, Denmark / Liselotte Wesley Andersen, Ronja Dirksen, Elena A. Nikulina, Hans J. Baagøe, Gunars Petersons, Péter Estók, Oleg L. Orlov, Maria V. Orlova, Florian Gloza Rausch, Matthias Göttsche, Esben Terp Fjederholt, Frauke Krüger, Morten Elmeros
- Nathusius' bats optimize long-distance migration by flying at maximum range speed / Sara A. Troxell, Marc W. Holderied, Gunārs Pētersons, Christian C. Voigt
- Migratory flight imposes oxidative stress in bats / David Costantini, Oliver Lindecke, Gunārs Pētersons, Christian C. Voigt
- Data from : Diet of the insectivorous bat Pipistrellus nathusii during autumn migration and summer residence / F. Krüger, E.L. Clare, W.O.C. Symondson, O. Keišs, G. Petersons
- Standartisiertes Monitoring des Fledermauszuges an der westlichen Ostseeküste Lettlands - eine kritische Auswertung der Methoden / Gunārs Pētersons, Vintulis Viesturs, Ilze Brila
- Migratory bats are attracted by red light but not by warm-white light: Implications for the protection of nocturnal migrants / Christian C. Voigt, Katharina Rehnig, Oliver Lindecke, Gunārs Pētersons
- No evidence of population decline in a long-distance migratory bat, Nathusius’s pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus nathusii), in North-eastern Europe / Gunārs Pētersons, Vintulis Viesturs, Ilze Brila. 14
- Never hold up travellers? – A playback study on the eavesdropping behaviour of migrating Nathusius‘ bats on feeding buzzes and courtship vocalisations / Lara Marggraf, Christian C. Voigt, Gunārs Pētersons, Silke L. Voigt-Heucke
- Do we have threatened mammal species in Latvia / Valdis Pilāts, Gunārs Pētersons, Viesturs Vintulis
- Migratory bats respond to artificial green light with positive phototaxis / Christian C. Voigt , Manuel Roeleke, Lara Marggraf, Gunārs Pētersons, Silke L. Voigt-Heucke
- Metabolic rate and speed of migratory Pipistrellus nathusii during autumn migration / Sara A. Troxell, Marc W. Holderied, Gunars Petersons, Christian C. Voigt
- Beyond the range of echolocation: Disentangling essential bat senses for long-distance navigation / Oliver Lindecke, Richard A. Holland, Gunars Pētersons, Christian C. Voigt
- Bat rabies virus in Latvia / Marianna Dobroštana, Gunārs Pētersons, Svetlana Cvetkova, Ieva Rodze, Vaira Saulīte
- Wildlife and renewable energy: German politics cross migratory bats / Christian C. Voigt, Linn S. Lehnert, Gunars Petersons, Frank Adorf, Lothar Bach
- Polarized skylight does not calibrate the compass system of a migratory bat / Oliver Lindecke, Christian C. Voigt, Gunārs Pētersons, Richard A. Holland
- Return of the bats? A prototype indicator of trends in European bat populations in underground hibernacula / T. Van der Meij, A. J. Van Strien, K. A. Haysom, G. Petersons [et al.]
- Bat rabies virus survey in Latvia – preliminary results / M. Dobroštana, G. Pētersons, I. Pētersone, I. Rodze, V. Saulīte
- Phenology of migratory bat activity across the Baltic Sea and the South-Eastern North Sea / Jens Rydell, Lothar Bach, Petra Bach, Laura Guia Diaz, Joanna Furmankiewicz, Nina Hagner-Wahlsten, Eeva-Maria Kyheröinen, Thomas Lilley, Matti Masing, Marian Max Meyer, Gunārs Pētersons, Jurģis Šuba, Ville Vasko, Viesturs Vintulis, Anders Hedenström
- Possible causes of bat fatalities at wind turbines in western Latvia / Ilze Brila, Kristīne Cālīte, Gunārs Pētersons, Ilze Matīse-Van Houtana
- Root cellars are important winter roosts for brown long-eared bats (Plecotus auritus) and northern bats (Eptesicus nilssonii) in Latvia / Viesturs Vintulis, Gunārs Pētersons
- Diet of the insectivorous bat Pipistrellus nathusii during autumn migration and summer residence / F. Krüger, E.L. Clare, W.O.C. Symondson, O. Keišs, G. Petersons
- First evidence on bat mortality at wind turbines in Latvia / Viesturs Vintulis, Gunārs Pētersons
- Bat fatalities at wind energy facilities in the Nordic-Baltic region / Gunars Petersons, Viesturs Vintulis, Jens Rydell
- Visual acuity and eye size in five European bat species in relation to foraging and migration strategies / Johan Eklöf, Jurģis Šuba, Gunars Petersons, Jens Rydell
- Vēja rotori spridzina sikspārņus / Gunārs Pētersons
- The insectivorous bat Pipistrellus nathusii uses a mixed-fuel strategy to power autumn migration / Christian C. Voigt, Karin Sörgel, Jurģis Šuba, Oskars Keišs, Gunārs Pētersons
- Fly-and-forage strategy in the bat Pipistrellus nathusii during autumn migration / Jurgis Šuba, Gunars Petersons, Jens Rydell
- Body weight provides insight into the feeding strategy of swarming bats / Jurģis Šuba, Viesturs Vintulis, Gunārs Pētersons
- Do the bats feed during the migration flight? / Gunars Petersons, Jurgis Suba
- Importance of root cellars for hibernation of brown long-eared bats Plecotus auritus and northern bats Eptesicus nilssonii in Latvia / V. Vintulis, G. Petersons
- Sikspārņi ziemā : [par sikspārņu sugām, ziemošanas paradumiem Latvijā] / Gunārs Pētersons
- Aizmidzis sikspārnis tavā pagrabā : [par Latvijā ziemojošajām sikspārņu sugām] / Ilze Ķuze, Gunārs Pētersons
- New data on the distribution of the barbastelle bat Barbastella barbastellus in Latvia / Gunārs Pētersons, Viesturs Vintulis, Jurģis Šuba
- Influence of wind on autumn migration of bats / Gunars Petersons, Viesturs Vintulis, Alda Pupila
- Late summer and autumn swarming by bats at Sikspārņu caves in Gauja National park / J. Šuba, V. Vintulis, G. Pētersons
- Capture and banding of bats during autumn migration at the Pape bird ringing station, Latvia 1966–2007 / Oskars Keiss, Gunars Petersons
- Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte 2004-2009 : Gunārs Pētersons [sakarā ar LLU Veterinārmedicīnas fakultātes 90. gadadienu] / Gunārs Pētersons
- New data on the distribution of the barbastelle bat Barbastella barbastellus in Latvia / Gunārs Pētersons, Viesturs Vintulis, Jurģis Šuba
- Distribution and population estimate of the pond bat 'Myotis dasycneme' in Latvia / Viesturs Vintulis, Gunars Petersons, Jurgis Suba
- Sikspārņu komunikatīvā uzvedība kā bojāejas risks cilvēka veidotos slazdos = Communicative behaviour of bats as a risk of death in man-made traps / Zane Gustiņa, Alise Vītola, Gunārs Pētersons